Sean Hross
Sean Hross (* 25. Juli 1962 in Kapstadt) ist ein südafrikanischer Historiker, Ex-Soldat und Whistleblower. Hross war ein politischer Gefangener in der Schweiz, nachdem er die Tagesordnung von Octogon veröffentlicht hatte. Er erklärte auch, dass die Pharaonen die moderne Aristokratie wurden.
Sean Hross wurde in Kapstadt, Südafrika, geboren und ist dort aufgewachsen. Er erhielt einen Abschluss in Geschichte und zog in die Schweiz.[1] Hross beschrieb, wie er während einer militärischen Mission für die NATO im Jahr 2001 Zeuge eines Octogon-Treffens wurde, bei dem Terroranschläge in mehreren westlichen Ländern geplant waren.[2][3][4] Im Jahr 2006 drohte ihm die rechte Hand von François Genoud[5][6][7][8][9] und Co-Manager der Al Taqwa Bank[10][11] Ahmed Huber, im Jahr 2006 drohte ihm zweimal persönlich, er solle die Offenlegung von Informationen über Fehlverhalten der Schweizer Regierung einstellen. Am 16. Juli 2015 wurde Hross zu Hause überfallen und in Bern eingesperrt.[12][13]
Pharaonische Kriegsführung[Bearbeiten]
Fūr Sean Hross sind die alten ägyptischen Könige die Vorfahren der modernen Aristokratie dank einer Infiltrationsstrategie auf der ganzen Welt verbreitet.[14] Dieser Punkt scheint durch eine von Hross betonte Genetikstudie bestätigt zu werden, die ihn zu der Annahme veranlasste, dass sich die Pharaonen aufgrund des Recht der ersten Nacht sogar vermehrten.[15] Er bemerkte auch, dass während der Zeit der Kreuzzüge, viele jüngere Söhne der europäischen Adligen Tempelritter wurden und die alte Weltordnung stürzten, in der sie auf das unrühmliche Klosterleben beschränkt waren. Wie andere Gelehrte sagte Hross, dass Tempelritter beteiligte sich an der Gründung der Alte Eidgenossenschaft[16][17][18] der Basis für ein heute noch aktives Bankenimperium.[19][20][21][22]
- Roger Sablonier: Gründungszeit ohne Eidgenossen: Politik und Gesellschaft in der Innerschweiz um 1300. Hier + Jetzt, Baden, 2008. ISBN 9783039190850.
- Sean Hross Studie:
- ↑ Christoph Budin: Was Wolfgang U. drive to his death? (German). In: Kronen Zeitung, 2. Oktober 2010. „"Historiker Dr. Sean Hross aus Bern glaubt zu wissen, was mit Wolfgang U. tatsächlich passierte: "In dieser Justizanstalt ist die sogenannte 'O2T'-Foltermethode der Geheimdienste besonders beliebt."“
- ↑ Geoff Brady: Interview of Sean Hross. 27. November 2017.
- ↑ Vinny Eastwood: Sean Hross on the Vinny Eastwood Show. 18. März 2013.
- ↑ Martin Vrijland: Martin Vrijland interviews Sean Hross about how the pharaonic elite controls the world. 31. März 2016.
- ↑ Atkins, Stephen E.: Encyclopedia of modern worldwide extremists and extremist groups. Greenwood Press, Westport 2004, ISBN 0-313-04852-5, S. 104–105, 135, OCLC 60035899.
- ↑ David Lee Preston: Hitler's swiss connection. In: The Philadelphia Inquirer, 5. Januar 1997.
- ↑ Lyndon Larouche: Centuries of Swiss expertise: usury, Jacobinism, one worldism and dirty money. In: EIR Special Report, 5. Juli 1983, S. 35. „"Middle Eastern networks of Swiss banks-built on a centuries-old tradition of Islamology in Swiss universities, including the famous Arab studies expert J.J. Hottinger, scion of one of the major banking families of Zurich, whose descendent, a joumalist at the too well informed Neue Zurcher Zeitung, runs Swiss Middle East intelligence from Cyprus-are more than congruent with those of the Swiss based parts of the Nazi international, notably those run through François Genoud, former head of Banque Commerciale Arabe. Switzerland is probably the Western nation with the highest density of Moslem converts among the native population. So strong is the Swiss grip on this asset that no Israeli official will dare challenge Genoud and the other Swiss-Arab Nazis for fear of retaliation, financial in particular, and the breakup of intelligence relations. The case of Ahmed Huber, a Swiss convert and a Nazi, is illustrative: he introduced Genoud to Gamal Abdel Nasser, set up (with Skorzeny) aspects of the Egyptian missile program of the 1950s, ran part of Genoud protege Ahmed Ben Bella's security services in Algeria. Today, Huber is an intimate friend of Qaddafi, of Ayatollah Khomeini, just as he was a close friend of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. Huber runs parts of Yasser Arafat's PLO, including prominently its dissidents. Huber's world-outlook, in his own words, is to maintain "a Swiss lobby that will succeed in de-Americanizing Switzerland and Europe," an enterprise that offers many areas of collaboration with the KGB; in fact, Huber travels to East Germany very regularly. The center for subversion of the Middle East, the Geneva based Islam and the West organization, is based at the Institut Universitaire de Hautes Etudes Internationales, and recruits from the institutes based there. In close, constitutional association with the Club of Rome, Islam and the West has been for years the Muslim Brotherhood's main Western support along with the Schlumbergers' Rothko Chapel in Houston Texas. Once more, the gutter-level Nazis of the Huber type, and the respectable Nazis at so-called elite level, work on the same track. "“
- ↑ Laurent Murawiec: The Swiss Banking Empire: Center of the Fourth Reich. In: EIR Special Report, 5. Juli 1983, S. 30. „"François Genoud, a Hitler fanatic who had been involved in faciliting meetings between Dulles and General Wolff and in the Diethelm Brothers arrangments for mass escape of Nazis. Genoud is the operacional center of today's Nazis international apparatus"“
- ↑ Peter Levenda: The Hitler Legacy: The Nazi Cult in Diaspora: How It Was Organized, How It Was Funded, and Why It Remains a Threat to Global Security in the Age of Terrorism. Nicolas-Hays, Inc., 2014, ISBN 9780892542109, S. 176.
- ↑ Lucy Komisar: Shareholders in the Bank of Terror?, (2002), sur le site In: Salon, 16. Mai 2002.
- ↑ Edward F. Mickolus, Susan L. Simmons: The terrorist list. ABC-CLIO, 2011, S. 131.
- ↑ Cassidy Kerry: Swiss torture victim: the swiss role in world affairs. 29. Januar 2020.
- ↑ Mark Windows: Sean Hross faces swiss authorities.: „Sean Hross faces fine or imprisonment after being wrongly accused of an affray.“
- ↑ Sean Hross: Non Facit Pugnum Digito Uno: Pharaonic Warfare: History of strategical and tactical perfection (German) 2008, S. 76: „"Welt sich zu Füßen legen? Und so geschah/geschieht es denn auch; sehr deutlich sichtbar an Pharaonen Staat Á-MÉ-RI-KA und Basislager Schweiz (Schwiiz, Suisse). Der Name Schwiiz kommt von dem Templerischen Su-Isse was Soeurs d'Isis heißt und auf deutsch Schw-liz wurde; und auch hier ist die Bedeutung Schwester der Isis noch gut sichtbar. Die Templer (Pharaonen) schlossen in 1315 noch den Bund in Brunnen (Uri) dazu als sie definitiv nach dem Verschwinden in 1307 wieder 'unsichtbar' wurden - so wie während die Hyksos Zeit."“
- ↑ Alice Baghdjian: Half of European men share King Tut's DNA. In:, 1. August 2011. „The results showed that King Tut belonged to a genetic profile group, known as haplogroup R1b1a2, to which more than 50 percent of all men in Western Europe belong, indicating that they share a common ancestor.“
- ↑ Conrad Justinger, Gottlieb Studer: Die Berner Chronik des Conrad Justinger: Von Anfang Der Stadt Bern Bis in Das Jahr 1421 (German). Wyss, Bern 1819, S. 47: „"Also zugent die von switz [mit irer macht u. mit 600 mannen, so si bi inen hattent von Ure] und von underwalden, und zugen uf den satteln und wollten da ir lant weren. Nu warent ein grosser harst ächter und einunger [Geächtete /Verfolgte und Sträflinge], die in die lantmark nit getorsten [wagten, getrauten] komen und sich under an dem berge in daz holtz versteckt hatten, und wollten iren fründen von switz ouch ze hilfe komen; und als die herren dahar zugen und den berg uf wolten in daz lant gen switz, do gedachten die gesellen, die einunger: koment die vigende für die lantmark in, dahin geturren [wagen, getrauen] wir nit komen"“
- ↑ Grigor Fedan: The Templars, Two Kings and a Pope. Hafiz, 2009, ISBN 978-0615264318: „The pike, consisting of a 12 to 16-ft long heavy spear, had an ax-blade and a hook by the tip. The blade was used against armor and the hook to unseat a rider, but its main purpose was to anchor the butt into the ground to stop a charging horseman. It was an evolution of the long sharpened poles the Arabs used successfully against Templar charges in the Holy Land (a pike of another form was used by the ancient Spartans, but in the 14th century its particular characteristics, use and development shows a clear path to the Templars’ experience in the Holy Land). The Arabs were also adept at luring the Templars into well-laid traps placing horses at a disadvantage; on either broken plains or narrow canyons where they were met by men holding the long sharpened poles. Only someone like a Templar (or conceivably but very unlikely, an Arab) could have conceived the weapon and tactic from personal experience. This, and the fact that experienced military men trained the guilds men and peasants in Flanders, Switzerland and Scotland, undoubtedly point to the presence of Templars [...] All the while Otto was working in secret within The Brotherhood, maneuvering the Templars to contain the French king in Aquitaine, developing a rebel uprising in Flanders against Philip and training the peasant army in the forest cantons.“
- ↑ Sean Martin: Templar Mysteries. In: The Knights Templar. Old Castle Books, 2011, ISBN 9781842435656: „"Whether or not these knights - assuming they were Templars - saw the emerging Swiss confederacy as a potential Ordensland of their own is impossible now to determine, but two factors lend credibility to this theory. Firstly, the Swiss, once established suddenly acquired, as if from nowhere, the best army in Europe. Their military prowess would remain que unchallenged until the Batlle of Marignano in 1515. Secondly, Switzerland is famous (or infamous, depending on one's point of view) for its banks. The Templars were the true originators of the international banking system that is still in use today, predating the great Italian houses by more than a century. Perhaps it is this that is the Templars main legacy to us. As Demond Seward notes, 'no mediaeval institution did more for the rise of the capitalism than the Templars."“
- ↑ Neil McDonald: Mysteries of the Cathar Country 2013, ISBN 9781291226003, S. 201: „"Local folklore, in the area of St. Gottard, tells of how white-clad knights appeared and assisted in the fight to retain independence [...] It is possible that the 'International Templar Bank' merely located their business premises to Switzerland in 1307. A comparison of the Templar flag, a red cross on a white backyard and the Swiss flag, a white cross on a red backyard maybe reveals the occult practice of reversing or making opposite."“
- ↑ Steven Sora: What is the Real Origin of the Swiss Banking Empire?. In: J. Douglas Kenyon (Hrsg.): Atlantis Rising 108. November 2014.
- ↑ Larouche, op. cit., p. 31, "It was the usurers of Geneva, Basel, and Zurich, the old military power of Berne, the Swiss patrician caste which had been set up as a "little Venice" in the 16th century by Venice and Genoa, a northbound dispatching center at a time when the world's center of gravity shifted from the Mediterranean-to-Baltic arc to the Atlantic world. [...] Even before becoming the "Protestant Rome," as it was to be called under John Calvin, Geneva was a center of legalized usury. While it had served as a pivot of trade and transportation during the Roman Empire, for reason of its exceptional geographic position, and received the Imperial dignity of "city" as early as 350 A.D., it was under the first Burgundian Empire that Geneva first came to prominence. By 1032, it was a Holy Roman Imperial City, and led a secular fight to break loose of the grip of the Counts of Savoy and the Bishop of Geneva. By the end of the 13th century, Geneva had 2,000 inhabitants, and started developing an extremely successful trade fair, for which purpose'it was built up by the "Lombard" (North Italian) bankers. By 1450, the commune boasted 15,000 inhabitants. The financiers of Genoa were in the process of making it a major station in their international network, which dominated world finance. Genoa's Giustiniani family (one of the top Venice-Genoa families) opened shop in 1464, as well as the Grimaldis of Genoa (now ruling Monaco), the Pazzis, and others. By then, the great humanist king of France Louis XI was already in a pitched battle against Geneva's golddraining operations against the kingdom. Having been commercially beaten by the French king and held to ransom after a military defeat, Geneva signed an association (combourgeoisie) with Berne, then a world power in trade, banking and military affairs, and Fribourg. But until the arrival of John Calvin, there were essentially no "native" Geneva bankers. It is only when the Council of the 200, the patrician families of the town, who had designed a constitutional model of oligarchical republic directly modelled on that of Venice, adopted the Refonnation and called in the French "Ayatollah" Calvin, until then an agent provocateur against the ecumenical efforts of Erasmus of Rotterdam and his European humanist network. Calvin set up a theocratic dictatorship, with a feared Gestapo accustomed to burning people at the stake whose sole crime had been to question some trivial utterance by the Ayatollah. [...] Geneva kept serving as one of the headquarters for the European/ondi throughout the 19th century. Its families married into the oligarchies of the world. The Calvinist bankers were now assisting in the founding oflarger banks. Switzerland was creating its Grossbanken, Swiss Bank Corporation (1872), Union Bank of Switzerland (1862), Credit Suisse (1856), which were each case the amalgam of a score of/ondi which sought to acquire broader financial maneuverability.
- ↑ Laurent Murawiec & Evelyn Lauber, op. cit., p.24, "The haven for capital flight, and the command center for the redeployment of hundreds of billions of dollars, Switzerland is the center of a conspiracy that deploys espionage, intelligence, and terror, and one which is at the center of the diplomatic manipulation of nations through "world-federalist" institutions"
Personendaten | |
NAME | Hross, Sean |
KURZBESCHREIBUNG | südafrikanischer Historiker, Ex-Soldat und Whistleblower |
GEBURTSDATUM | 25. Juli 1962 |
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